HOw should I prep for my dog's glamour shots?
I'd recommend giving your pup a good brushing or maybe even a bath before the session. I can fix a lot of stray hairs and dust in photoshop, but as a general rule, if she looks good on her way in, the photos will look great on the way out.
My pup is an endless fountain of energy. Will that make the portraits hard to take?
No, not necessarily. That makes things fun for everyone! If she is high energy, I'd recommend taking her on a walk ahead of time to get some jitters out. Once at the studio, we'll let her sniff around and get comfortable before we jump into taking the portraits.
Can I photograph both of my dogs together?
Do your dogs know how to sit next to each other? then yes!
If they don't already know how to get cozy for a photo, I don't expect that to magically happen when they are in a new environment. I highly recommend booking multiple sessions so that each dog gets the studio space to herself and we can spend the time making beautiful portraits of them separately.
Can I print my own photos?
No. The digital packages are meant for online use only. They are sized perfectly for quick uploads to social media, but they do not come with printing rights. To ensure you get a top-quality print, I encourage you to purchase a print package. Don't see the size or type of print you're looking for? I'd be happy to get you a quote on various sizes or unmounted prints.
Can I bring the whole family?
The studio is a small space, and my primary concern is that the dog is comfortable. It can be overwhelming being in a new space, especially if there is lots of movement. Given that, I ask that no more than two humans accompany the dog in the studio. This will help me direct the shoot and help keep the dog as relaxed and comfortable as possible, both of which result in a better photo.
Have any more questions? Shoot me a message below. I'd love to chat about your dog!
Thank you!